Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Goals for the new semester

1. Stay on top of homework. It's what got me an A last semester. Staying alert and remembering your assignments and their due dates is an ingredient for success. I want to find out due dates as soon as possible in order to complete them. Having a completed assignment in the hanger is much simpler then spazzing out in order to finish it at the last second.

2. Take a head start whenever I can. If a weekly assignment (ex. algebra chapter) is not assigned for the the week, I want to get started on it on that week and possibly have that affect my rate of completion for the whole semester. In the past, the lazy side of me has decided to take advantage of the week and put it off. That must change.

3. Come to finals with a solid knowledge of the material. I may have scored an A in Mysics and an A+ in Humanities if I had begun studying the material sooner. In my past, math was always my weekest subject and, last year, even landed me in summer school. To have a grade in that subject I can truly be proud of, not just squeak by, but be proud of, would be my biggest goal.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you recognized with more preparation results are higher. Adapt this lesson to vocabulary quizzes and book exams as well as in math and physics. You didn't mention how the activity made you feel? Think?
