Monday, February 1, 2010

The Veil

In post-Islamic Revolution Iran, women are forced to wear a veil, concealing their hair, or a chador, a head to toe cover showing only the eyes. Although some women wear the veil willingly. Their perspective on the veil derives from many different ideals of Islam and their perspective. One fact is tat a woman's bare skin and hair would cause men to have impure thoughts, or worse, act on those thoughts.

Some women still wear the veil unwillingly, feeling their rights are being violated. And with good reason. Women are denied the rights of speech, expression and the right to make their own choices. Women cannot even decide who they marry or whether they will marry him or not.

Women in Iran protest the veil as a symbol of oppression and misogyny. Others support the veil as a symbol of peace and their dedication to their faith. It is impossible to say one is more correct then the other and we must remain mindful of their faith, their laws and their choices.

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